Hens are ready for their permanent house and we are behind schedule.


I still am amazed at how elaborate it is. You have done an amazing job. I am sure they will enjoy it.
What a journey it has been.

Oh are you going to let them keep their office chair?
It's a beautiful building, well thought out and executed,
you'll be glad you went that route-worth every bit of effort and time.
Well, thanks. It has taken way, way longer than I thought. Unforeseen thing happened of course!... I decided that I really should paint the floor because ''if I don't do it now, it will never be done". So, now I have a floor that is drying and I can't install the vinyl or the poop deck or the laying boxes until it is completely dry (less the vinyl will stick forever to the floor).
Today I am going to cut the vinyl, buy some Sweet PDZ, sand, and shavings for the floor and poop deck. The floor will have 24 hours of drying time... hopefully that will do it.
Buddy of mine used to say...'fix it properly now, or it'll be foreever f f f fouled up'.
Good advice.

Hopefully it's not too humid so it'll dry/cure faster.

I still am amazed at how elaborate it is. You have done an amazing job. I am sure they will enjoy it.
What a journey it has been.

Oh are you going to let them keep their office chair?

Ha The chair is quite messy at this point so it will be headed to the dump soon. And the hens have decided that it was too exposed and are now laying between two boxes up on the ping pong table (will I be able to ever clean that enough!!).
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That is one nice coop and run!!!....keep us posted on how they do in the near future.
Thanks! I put a ton of time into it. I was going to do laying boxes that were accessible from the outside but I just couldn't decide on the location so I might install/cut out some in the future. As soon as they acclimate we will start to let them free range for an hour each evening again. They are missing the nightly ritual of letting them out. And I'll add leaves to the run in the fall too.

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