Hens bullying new pullets


Jan 27, 2020
I have read the related threads but didn't find a solution.
I was recently given two hens about 4 months old. The 4 hens that I have will not accept them. I have a coop that is 5' X 8' and a run that is 8' X 12' and a fenced in yard that is probably 30 X 30. The 4 older ones run at them anytime they get near. At night the older hens go into the coop before sundown and the little ones spend some time pecking around in the yard, then get on a little roost that is about 2 feet off the ground and spend the night there. I have automatic doors on the entrace to the run and the entrance to the coop that close after dark. I have had the new hens for a week and a half. Am I expecting too much? or is there something I can do to encourage them to go into the coop with the others. Or to encourage the older hens to accept them. They are very safe in the run and they go in and out during the day, but stay away from the older chickens because they are afraid.
Sounds normal behavior, chickens are somewhat territorial. Would have been better to quarantine the new birds first, but that's to late. Hope there clean birds and not carrying any diseases.

Other than that, they might not get along for a long while so patience and observation is required. But you do need to make sure the newer birds are eating and drinking everyday. Cause your older birds will prevent them from doing this. And you will need to physically get them in the coop every night to show them there new sleeping area.
Sounds normal behavior, chickens are somewhat territorial. Would have been better to quarantine the new birds first, but that's to late. Hope there clean birds and not carrying any diseases.

Other than that, they might not get along for a long while so patience and observation is required. But you do need to make sure the newer birds are eating and drinking everyday. Cause your older birds will prevent them from doing this. And you will need to physically get them in the coop every night to show them there new sleeping area.
Something I forgot to mention. I have an easter egger that was llaying very regularly. She hasn't layed an egg since these new chicks arrived.

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