Hen's eggs have displaced air cells. Should I worry?


6 Years
Jul 19, 2015
North Central Florida
A few weeks ago I noticed my barred rock started laying strange eggs. They got larger than usual and look almost like double yolkers yet have a single yolk. With all the heat lately I've started candling the eggs before putting them in the cartons and noticed that her eggs have displaced, free floating air cells and some of them are bubbly, with tiny bubbles attached to the main air cell. They look just like some of the shipped eggs I've received in the past.

I've hatched and candled some of her eggs before and they haven't always been like that, though I can't say exactly when it started. I just want to know if this is something to be concerned about. She's laying them in the box and they aren't damaged in any way, and they are the only eggs that are like this. She is a year and a half old and appears to be perfectly healthy but of course looks can be deceiving. Her laying got a little irregular during the hotter weeks but she is back to ~6-7 eggs a week now.
I noticed the same thing in one of my eggs! It must be related to the heat, maybe because they drink more water. I actually tossed the egg because the bubbles in it just looked really weird. Hens over a year old may lay slightly more irregularly and lay larger eggs as well.
Ah, ok. I thought it was strange because she's the only one doing it. I suppose I won't worry too much unless she starts acting abnormal.

You may be on to something because they do seem more watery, too.

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