Hens laying in the bushes

One of my girls left me an egg in between the blades of the snowblower today. How can I discourage that behavior?
One of our girls decided to stop using the nest box this week. We noticed a big squabbling and screeching outside - the problem was she was trying to get into the same nest box that was already occupied! (She actually did cram herself in there at one point somehow) Needless to say the girl already in there was very angry about someone trying to get all up into her business. We have 2 nest boxes for 3 chickens but she wanted THAT box. So instead she gave up and went out to the bushes. We ended up putting everyone in the coop and locking the door until they sorted out their drama. Then we let them range again after the eggs were laid in the boxes. Well, we can't watch them all the time so it happened again. Only now she's laid an egg in the bushes twice and is making a bad habit out of it! 2 nest boxes should be sufficient for 3 chickens right?? She's definitely not the brightest bird in the bunch.
One of our girls decided to stop using the nest box this week. We noticed a big squabbling and screeching outside - the problem was she was trying to get into the same nest box that was already occupied! (She actually did cram herself in there at one point somehow) Needless to say the girl already in there was very angry about someone trying to get all up into her business. We have 2 nest boxes for 3 chickens but she wanted THAT box. So instead she gave up and went out to the bushes. We ended up putting everyone in the coop and locking the door until they sorted out their drama. Then we let them range again after the eggs were laid in the boxes. Well, we can't watch them all the time so it happened again. Only now she's laid an egg in the bushes twice and is making a bad habit out of it! 2 nest boxes should be sufficient for 3 chickens right?? She's definitely not the brightest bird in the bunch.
Yes....but...well sometimes they are fickle, stubborn, and appear rather stupid.
Try putting a fake egg in both nests?

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