Ok so our hens were sitting on some eggs, 2 were duck eggs. They hatched 3 days ago and the hens aren't really sitting much anymore. I have gone outside a few times and the eggs are cold. I candled them and the babies are still alive inside. I put them in a box with a heat lamp yesterday during the day and I couldn't get the temp to stay in at a certain degree. I have researched proper temps and humidty for hatching ducks, but since they are so close to hatching, what should I do. I don't want them to die. It's pretty warm here, no colder that the upper 50's night and 70"s during the day. At what temps would they die? Basically what can I do to get them by until they hatch? I have a thermometer and humity gauge. What temp should they be at, humidity and when should they be hatiching? Do you think they are ok, if I see movement in the egg, even if they are cold? These are Peking ducks. I placed them on April 1, they have basically been abandoned as of 2 days ago.
HELP!!! Thanks!
Another thing, could I separate one of the hens from the babies and have her sit on the eggs? Will she actually sit, or stress about losing her babies?

Another thing, could I separate one of the hens from the babies and have her sit on the eggs? Will she actually sit, or stress about losing her babies?