Hens Not Laying


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 20, 2009
Simsbury, CT
Hi all

I'm not completely sure of the answer, so I'm posing the question to you guys: My hens are 17 weeks old, their eyes are clear, they are pretty big, and seem healthy. BUT - they're not laying yet. I've noticed on a few of them their beaks and wattles are turning nearly white - so I'm guessing that they're ready to lay (??), but they're not. Do you think it's the shortened days? I think this may be the answer, and we'll get eggs in the spring, but I'm worried that they might be laying them willy nilly around the yard - I can't find any. I've made nesting boxes for them and put golf balls in the boxes to encourage them...

So any answers you could provide I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!

17 weeks is early. Mine just started laying at 26 weeks. Sounds like you are doing everything right..... shortened days are a problem but they are still babies. I took some advice from BYC and feed mine CALF MANNA for 2 weeks and they started laying. But they were 24 weeks old..... be patient. I now know not to expect eggs until pullets are 30 weeks old. This takes the pressure off of all of us.... if they lay earlier than that.... GREAT!
Well, my understanding is that the wattles and comb turn red when they're ready to lay, not white. That's the way it was with my hens. Seventeen weeks just may not be old enough, depending on the type of hen you have. If you think they might be laying in the yard, then keep them locked in the henhouse for a few days. Then you'll know for sure if they're laying. Good luck!
Thanks guys!!

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