Hens not sitting on eggs


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2022
I have a large pen with three hens and two males. The hens have been laying eggs for a few weeks now, but none of them are actually laying on them. The eggs are all over the place instead of in groups. Should I remove the eggs?
With two cocks and three hens there is a good chance the eggs are not getting fertilized, crack a few open and see if they are. I use old bee boxes and make nests with hay in a safe area of the pen and place the eggs in the box. Each egg is dated and removed after they are ten days old. Eventually a hen will see the cluster of eggs and get motivated to go broody.
With two cocks and three hens there is a good chance the eggs are not getting fertilized, crack a few open and see if they are. I use old bee boxes and make nests with hay in a safe area of the pen and place the eggs in the box. Each egg is dated and removed after they are ten days old. Eventually a hen will see the cluster of eggs and get motivated to go broody.View attachment 3848429
Thank you so much…I will definitely start doing this!

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