Hens scratching kicking all the hay from laying boxes ???

jo 1 jo 2

5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
This is probably a dumb question but l'll ask anyway
My Isa Brown new layers keep scratching kicking all the hay from theit laying boxes and laying eggs on hard boards
what can l do ?
Do l need to change from they hay to something else
Am a complete novice newbie
any suggestions help appreciated
thank you
Yes, they do that. I put a folded empty feed bag in each nest box, with hay, straw, or shavings on top. There is a 1x4 screwed along the front of the boxes to help keep the bedding inside, and I add or change the nest material as needed. I also powder under the material with permethrin for bug control. mary
;) thank you so much Mary
I have some feed bags l can use and extra piece of wood as a barrier sounds like a great idea too will sort something out in the next few days

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