Hens Will Not Nest


9 Years
Dec 12, 2010
10 hens with a RIR rooster for a year; none ever nested. This year have had 2 different roosters with the hens; left up to 36 eggs in nest for over a week; three different times, but none will nest. Any ideas. They laid all thru the winter.

Fresh water, plenty of laying pellets, oyster shells; pen is 12 X 16'; they get out every other day.

Their want to brood depends on the breed and on where you got them. I have never had a RIR brood but my Barred Rocks go broody all the time. It could be that you should get some breeds that are known for going broody and set desired eggs under her when she does.
Good luck!
HMMM!!! I am new to raising chickens. I have 5 RIR, 1 black hen, 1 hen that lays light green eggs, 2 golden hens, 1 dominecker.

Too much of a mix???

Did not mention that I have 12 nests, but they have about a 6" side with a roof.

Thanks Tater
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I don't think mixing the flock is a problem. I always have several different breeds. You can try google for some breeds that go broody easily. I know that when we raised bantams it seemed like they were never off the nest. Some breeds just set constantly and others rarely ever.
There is also an APP for a phone run by mcmurray that is supposed to help you choose breeds...
I have never been able to make certain breeds set. Sometimes it's just in their genetics whether they do or not.
Well, in that case will buy an incubator or put them under my nesting muscovy ducks. Did that last year; it was funny, but she took care of them for a couple of days till I removed them.

Thanks Tater
Many chicken breeds have had the instinct to incubate eggs bred right out of them in favor of better egg production (hens stop laying for the whole period of incubaton and chick rearing).

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