Here is my coop and run


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
Aurora, MO
I bought this coop off of CL last June. We just put up the run yesterday made out of two dog kennels. Grandma next door got mad about the chickens scratching around her house so no more free running for now. I don't like penning chickens up but no choice other than this.






Also a couple pics of my Rooster up on the rear deck railing back when they were free ranging. These are Rhode Island Reds.

You have a very nice setup. I love the coop! We also use the chain link/dog kennels. Last summer it kept out the neighbors 2 Great Danes and 1 Husky Mix. They aren't too pretty but they sure are safe. Have fun !
No they aren't real pretty but they work. I'm decorating mine with old signs, a picket fence out front, and other "things" that I find.

As for free-ranging. You can always let them out for a bit in the evening before you lock them up of the night. They shouldn't wander to far. Toss a bit of scratch or goodies out and they'll stay close to home.

Nice set up
Your run is similar to what I want to do with my chicken space. Very nice.

I'm just gonna need a lot more chainlink...
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We can't take the chance. We usually only let them out when we got off of work, but since they discovered where grandma fed the cats, they always made a beeline for that area. Grandma got pretty hostile with me about the chickens. She is my fiancee's grandma so I can't really say too much to her. To say the least, we have not been on speaking terms since and that was about three weeks ago. We just have to live with the situation if we want to keep chickens. The 120 acre farm is her grandma's except for the little area my fiancee's house sits on which she and her ex bought from her grandparents years ago so we don't have much say in most of the land. Anyway, thanks for feedback.

Looks nice. I have some dog run panels I'm not using....may have to put them to use
I wish I could find something like that on CL!! Great job = happy chickens
I will take some more pics and post them. I modified it a little after I bought it. I cut out four more windows and covered them with hardware cloth. There was only one window and I didn't feel like it was enough. It also has another set of nests on the opposite side of the coop. It has a small enclosed run attached. It really is a neat little coop. I had to do some caulking to help keep water out when it rained but sometimes the floor still gets a little wet. It also could use some better ventilation but I keep a few of the windows propped open when its cold and open them all up when its warm out.


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