Here's what I could have for $50.....***UPDATE***

U-HAUL!!! and strong men.
Well here are a few pics of what I have hauled home so far. I have a pile I need to get tomorrow which is the frames for the walls, and plywood from the floor and and roof. I would have picked that up tonight as well but the one guy at Home Depot was giving me a hard time about renting a truck for hauling something other than HD purchases. Anyway by the time I got finished arguing with him it would have been too late to get the truck back before closing. Mind you it is probably about a 3 hr job round trip. So back I go tomorrow and pick up the rest.
Please excuse the mess. We have been gone non stop the last few days and just unloaded everything soccer chairs included, on the ground. The dog house in the picture is one that we picked up off of CL about a month ago, free. I need to figure out what I can use that for. I know something! Anyway we are using the shingles from the roof of the shed to put on the dog house and then we are using some of the siding (hardiplank?) to side the dog house and rabbit hutch turned chicken coop. I am just going to go with plywood that I can paint on the outside and then I am thinking of using that wavy type plastic sheeting for the roof or if I'm lucky find some of the metal/tin sheets that are seen on barns , for the roof instead.
We have a lot of work ahead of us. I have to check on the permit thing to see if I still need one even if it's going to be use for animals and if it's moveable (which it could be if need be).


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I am so glad you found a way to get it!
Sometimes the free and cheap stuff on CL is a LOT of work, but worth it in the end! I have been known to moan and groan over all the loading and unloading, and putting back together, but when you are all done and realize what you have done for so little money, it feels good! And I couldn't have afforded to have done all I have with my duck pen without CL. I love bragging to everyone about the deals I got on my stuff!
I felt that way after we disassembled it, without my brother's help (
). I can't wait til we can put it back together and tailor it the way we want. That will be the fun part.

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