Heritage Mohawk RIR's


7 Years
Mar 31, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I am wondering IF there is a thread on here for someone wanting to LEARN about their breed (in the title) and where we can discuss and ask questions and not argue over production breed vs. heritage? :) I'd like to learn more about my breed and talk to people that have my breed and ask questions about the breed and not get my head bit off for not knowing. I'm here to learn, that's WHY I am here. I want to learn how to breed my RIR's and what to look for and what to cull etc. Is there such a thread here where one can ask questions of the ones that have been at this longer than I have?
I just don't want to have to wade through people arguing over the breed etc. to learn. Had enough arguing growing up as a child and just don't like it. People SHOULD be able to get along and just agree to disagree and each be able to have their own opinions.

I know all the members who frequent the New Member Introductions section very well (not personally but I know so much about them, at least regarding chickens, that I feel like I know them), and none of them are going to argue over what is the best breed. We all have our opinions. I like Black Sex Links and Black Australorps, TwoCrows likes Black Australorps and Barred Rocks, Mountain Peeps likes Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes7 likes Wyandottes, etc., etc., and we will share our reasons why with others, but all of us will willingly admit that there is no best breed, and we are not going to argue over it. I hope it is the same on this section. The best breed is whatever fits you best. We all encourage members to research the various breeds, and all have, including myself, pointed others many times to tools that can help them do that. Definitely research the breeds, and whichever ones you think will work best for you--go for it, and good luck with your flock. :eek:)
I know all the members who frequent the New Member Introductions section very well (not personally but I know so much about them, at least regarding chickens, that I feel like I know them), and none of them are going to argue over what is the best breed. We all have our opinions. I like Black Sex Links and Black Australorps, TwoCrows likes Black Australorps and Barred Rocks, Mountain Peeps likes Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes7 likes Wyandottes, etc., etc., and we will share our reasons why with others, but all of us will willingly admit that there is no best breed, and we are not going to argue over it. I hope it is the same on this section. The best breed is whatever fits you best. We all encourage members to research the various breeds, and all have, including myself, pointed others many times to tools that can help them do that. Definitely research the breeds, and whichever ones you think will work best for you--go for it, and good luck with your flock. :eek:)
Thank you!!!

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