Heritage New Hampshires

the new hamps i had were hatchery stock from missouri, they've handled the heat and humidity well. no losses due to weather ever that i can remember. now, of course when the sun gets high, everything is looking for shade, but they remain active in there. in fact if i walk by and throw them a fresh treat from the garden...well it's kinda like the song---the race is on!
Here ya'll go as promised some pics of my NH's I'm sorry I didn't get any on here sooner but me and 'puters' don't jive so well together and I have a tough time talking myself into going thru the whole ordeal of uploading pics, sometimes I'd rather take a rump kickin' instead. Hope ya'll like 'em. :lol

The boys:

The girl:

Sorry for them being so big I don't know how to edit them as the photo studio is on the laptop and I have NO idea
of how to do it on this computer I'm using now.

Thank you all for your wonderful pics! I bought a few red sex links in February, culled two but kept two, and now I know they're New Hampshire crosses. One is very fat and fluffy, the other is not so fluffy. I'd post pics but this is the Heritage New Hampshire thread..
Absotively, posilutely awsome. I'm so glad there's finally some "real" NH's out there to get photos of now, thanks to Mrs. Kathy spreading them all over the country.

I'll say it once more I just love those orange chickens.

Absotively, posilutely awsome. I'm so glad there's finally some "real" NH's out there to get photos of now, thanks to Mrs. Kathy spreading them all over the country.

I'll say it once more I just love those orange chickens.


Yes! Isn't she just the greatest???

I am really loving these beautiful chickens too!
i thought NHs were supposed to have a black necklace. i have seen none in these pics--except maybe a faint brownish one on ONE bird.

But i don't know my NHs; just wondering.

BTW, they are really beautiful birds.
This is what the standard says:
NECK: Medium chestnut red; each feather edged with brilliant chestnut red; lower neck feathers distinctly tipped with black. Front of neck -- medium chestnut red.

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