Heritage White Dorking Thread

PS: If this chick were an all white adult with white shanks, it would imply that is is carrying the silver gene, which is sex-linked. So, the best case scenario would be for it to be a male so that you can distribute the gene broadly.
For the purpose of breeding, try not to become "attached" to anything emotionally. Each specimen is a step forward, or it is not; for a breeder, that is the only question.

I don't get attached emotionally to my birds. They are a lot easier to cull and replace than my horses during 30+ years of breeding those. ;) LOL At least with the chickens, either *I* can eat the culls, or at least my raw-fed dogs can eat them.
The silver chick is feathering in white. :) I put them out in the small coop on the 27th and they are very much enjoying it. I am picking up their permanent coop later today (used) and will have it ready for when they outgrow this one. So far, I THINK the silver one is a girl....

Are there any breeders that sell? I'm considering switching to this breed and had some questions. I was looking for a source, too.

It's been a busy summer. Moved a few females together tonight. In a few weeks I'll cull again, right now I've got three groups, want to thin it down to 40 or so females. Wish me luck..
Wow! I will be happy to have 5 or 6 nice females from this first group! ;) LOL I had a tough time finding any quality birds to begin with, but I am highly impressed with how they are growing, and how well they forage!
StephWind- I wish you were closer, I've got lots to pick from. I went over board with hatching. I am actually very impressed with egg production, I only have white Dorkings now, I sold all of my production Barred Rocks.The Dorking egg is smaller in comparison (large instead of jumbo).

I will keep a SOP group and keep the other female's for eggs. Winter laying is where these girls shine, they dont miss a beat. My first group (hatched in Jan 2016) are laying well now.

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