
In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2016
Hi guys! Been a long-time lurker for nearly as long as the site's existed, but didn't make an account until a few months ago. And now I'm finally getting around to making my first post. Wanted to introduce myself briefly before I got on with more interactions with the community, which I'm looking forward to.

Not much to say about myself. Been raising chickens and other fowl since I was a young boy. I've got a few dozen birds right now. The number is constantly fluctuating depending on time of year (chick season vs harvest season) but I'm probably going to be raising a lot more in the future as I increase coop space. Right now I raise chickens primarily for eggs, though I also eat plenty of chicken meat too. And currently I'm toying around with creating my own project breed, which I'm getting a lot of enjoyment out of.

Glad to finally be an active part of the community!
Hello and welcome to BYC - great that you have finally joined us. I wish you all the best with your landrace project and I hope that you enjoy being a member as much as the rest of us.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/270925/find-your-states-thread#post_3239224

All the best


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