Hey dere! We’re new, I guess.


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2018
We are Jonathan and Maria and Zeylea (Zee-lee) and an unnamed growing fetus. We have 3 chickens, 2 Rhode Island reds, named Optical and Delusion, and a black chicken (can’t remember the breed), named Blackie. We’ve live in New Orleans. There are so many chickens running wild around the city (I have heard it’s because cockfighting was legal for so long here). Living in New Orleans creates some problems regarding urban farming, mostly to do with soil quality and bugs. This doesn’t seem to affect the chickens too much.

We decided to get some chicks last December. Our girls are almost a year old, and they’re mostly doing great. We’ve been dealing with Delusion being eggbound, and we’re actually taking her to the vet today. Hopefully that goes smoothly.

We’re glad to be a part of the community.

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