Hey everybody!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 17, 2012
Just joined today, after looking over the forum. I live in Mass., and at present have no chickens. My plan is to start out with
three buff orpingtons and three australorps after the holidays. I want layers that are friendly, docile, fairly quiet and not
great fliers. Since they will be pets also, I plan to start with chicks. I would welcome any help or recommendations y'all
would be kind enough to send my way! Thanks
Just joined today, after looking over the forum. I live in Mass., and at present have no chickens. My plan is to start out with
three buff orpingtons and three australorps after the holidays. I want layers that are friendly, docile, fairly quiet and not
great fliers. Since they will be pets also, I plan to start with chicks. I would welcome any help or recommendations y'all
would be kind enough to send my way! Thanks

Expect to spend 10x as much as you think you're going to spend on all aspects of having chickens.
Handle them lots if you want them to be friendly and feed them treats (when they're old enough) out of your hand only.

Greetings from Kansas, TFM3, and
! Great to have you here! I like the breeds you have selected - they seem to be quite friendly and docile, and easily tamed. My advice is just to read up on BYC - particularly the Learning Center - then you will be prepared to take the plunge come the New Year! I wish you all the best!!!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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