Hey everyone!!!

from California! Try checking here to see if chickens are legal where you are: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/37/local-chicken-laws-ordinances-and-how-to-change-them good luck!
I just tried something =elevating the food. As suggested here and someone I know who has chickens. to keep them from wasting food - it works! I also keep a cover over the food so they can't get on the side of the feeder (which is a cardboard box with a heavy stone to keep it weighted). If they get on the side they will turn and the food will be contaminated with their bm. They don't like it after that, even tho, they eat the most disgusting things otherwise!
I had renters of a house in Ky and they let a chicken come into the home. There was a register open to the crawl space underneath and we found lots of evidence under that register.

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