Hey from Alabama

Roddy Chicken Ranch

In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 28, 2011
Hi everyone. My name is Wendy. Just a little about us. My husband and I have been married for almost 2 years and we (by we I mean me)have had chickens the entire time. I grew up on a small farm in rural Alabama and we had animals for as long as I can remember. Bryan and I just purchased a farm of our own this summer. It is by no means a ranch, but once we got the coop and run up I started calling it the Chicken Ranch. Right now I have about 40 chickens (mostly cross breeds)and 4 turkeys. In the spring we will be adding ducks and a few breeder runs/coops...

I enjoy my birds and they are like part of the family, and they provide lots of gorgeous eggs that we are able to share with our family and friends...
Hello Wendy!
from Washington State glad you joined us!
Hi Wendy. You r ahead of me in the chicken department. We will be getting our chicks this spring. Congrats on 2 yrs marriage. Hubby and I have 27 1/2 yrs together. Best marriage advice I ever got was this: be ever bit as excited to see Him as the dog is and you will have a happy marriage. It has worked for us!


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