Hey from SE OHIO I’m new🤣

Jun 12, 2022
Southeastern Ohio- Perry county
So like I said I’m from southeast Ohio. I’m 40 with two kids. They’re 20 and 21 both out on their own in the world in Florida and my youngest full time at OU studying special education. So I’ve decided to get me some chickens lol my fiancé and I went to our local feed store and picked up our first flock of three buff hens and three isa brown hens. I loved them so much two weeks later we went back and picked up four Americaunas and two silkie hens. One of the americaunas ended up being a rooster which was kinda cool I guess it’s worked out so far. I mean I kinda thought he was looking just a little different from the others. Then one morning he hopped up on top of a bucket and let out one hell of a little crow. He tried his little heart out god bless him🐓🤣 I am however a little concerned about my flocks. My rooster is not aggressive at all. He is a decent rooster. But, he comes out of the smaller flock with the americauna and silkies. So my buff and isa girls don’t like him much. That definitely does not stop him from trying to have his way with them though lmao Idk like I said I’m am really new to the chicken scene and I am open to any and all advice or criticism, whatever y’all wanna throw at me. I do have some questions and concerns about my two silkie girls also so don’t be afraid to hit me up or however this whole site works. I’m new to this site also😂😂 but anyways hi and thanks for reading my craziness🙋🏻‍♀️


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Welcome to BYC. So glad that you decided to join this helpful and fun community. You have a very beautiful and cute flock. I can try and help with your silkie question if you want.
Hey there! Thanks so much. So like I mentioned. I have two silkies. They’re obviously smaller than all the rest of my chickens and rooster. So they seem to get around fine through the day. They tend to stay close to the rooster and other americaunas but when it comes to night time I’ll go out to close the coop and everyone will be up roosting high ip in the coop. And my silkies are either roosting on the tire that is used as a dust bath in the run. Or at the top of the ramp right at the door of the coop. Or just hanging out running around in the coop alone. Like still eating and playing around. Idk what to do for them at night. They look lonely and kinda scared. Help please.
Hey there! Thanks so much. So like I mentioned. I have two silkies. They’re obviously smaller than all the rest of my chickens and rooster. So they seem to get around fine through the day. They tend to stay close to the rooster and other americaunas but when it comes to night time I’ll go out to close the coop and everyone will be up roosting high ip in the coop. And my silkies are either roosting on the tire that is used as a dust bath in the run. Or at the top of the ramp right at the door of the coop. Or just hanging out running around in the coop alone. Like still eating and playing around. Idk what to do for them at night. They look lonely and kinda scared. Help please.
You could make them a smaller roost near the other chickens or make a ramp up to the roosts(this might be hard)
Hello, Blyth, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
As long as the silkies are secure at night I wouldn't worry myself too much about where they choose to sleep. They are notorious for not roosting.
Well that’s the issue. They’re secure as in they’re inside for the night. But I checked on them several times last night and they were walking around looking lost. I’m past the worried mark. I don’t think they even slept at all last night

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