Hey from SETX!


Jul 16, 2016
Southeast TX
Hi y'all! I'm a total chicken raising newbie so I thought it would be a good idea to become a BYC member! I have a total of 24 hens (Buffs, Barred Rocks, Black Sex Links, NH Reds, & Ameraucanas) & 1 Barred Rock rooster. I have a few hens that just started laying so I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions & look forward to learning from all of you experienced chicken peeps!

Anyone else from SETX?
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. Congrats on your first eggs - always a great day when a new girls lays her first.

Best wishes
I'm sure if you check out your state thread you will find lots of Texans involved with poultry, hopefully some will be in your area. Welcome to BYC
I'm in SETX! The chicken bug recently hit me and I've been incubating eggs for about a month. We have one little Serama chick, one Welsummer, and one French Cuckoo Maran chick right now, with 12 barnyard mixes in the incubator due to hatch in two days and more in around two weeks. :)
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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