Hey from Texas.


In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2016
Bandera, Texas
A friend offered to give me two roosters last week, so I took them home and started looking for some hens. I found 4 grown hens. Game, Plymouth Rock, Americana (sp) and and Rhode Island Red. Part of my barn was already enclosed, so I just had to move some junk out, and I am in the chicken business. Got the hens last Friday, and am now getting 1 egg a day. If I can figure it out, I'll send pictures soon.
Greetings from Kansas, Witchgrass, and
! Happy you joined our community! You are indeed in the chicken business. One thing to watch out for might be having two roosters with that few hens. The typical ratio (to prevent overbreeding...loss of feathers on back, and nervous hens from the constant mating) is 1 rooster for 8-10 hens. Many folks say even one rooster is too many as they are not necessary for egg production. But some folks don't feel the barnyard is complete without a morning wake up call from a rooster.
If you are new to the chicken world you might consider doing some reading in the Learning Center here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center It is loaded with great information on all aspects of chicken raising.
And if you'd like to chat with fellow Texans, locate your state thread in this link https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you
Best wishes and thanks for joining BYC!!!
I think your chickens would like some pine shavings, etc. to cover the floor of their coop. Helps keep odors down and makes it even to clean up.
Thanks for the info. I suddenly remembered that I don't have a proper 'roost' for the chickens to perch on at nigh, other that on top of the nesting boxes today.
I went out to the barn to figure out what I need to and how to build it. I had about an hour and a half of good daylight left, so I decided to open the pen door and see what they would do. They have been in the pen for 5 days now. Well, just before it started getting dark, they marched right back inside and got back on their boxes. Yay! Lol. I was very happy to see that.
Howdy there, and welcome to Backyard chickens! I am glad you could join us! One inch in diameter branches make great roosts, that is what my hens use! I agree with redsox on the rooster deal. You either need to get about ten more hens, or get rid of a rooster or you will have some very bedraggled hens. I also agree with Ddiva, they do need some pine shavings. Don't worry though, you can get a big bag for about five bucks at your local feed store. Then you just need to clean it out once an month. Sounds like you are enjoying your chickens!

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