Hey guys, meet my yard birbs

:welcome :frow The fox will keep coming back because it has killed. You will continue to loose birds as long as you free range. Lessons learned the hard way. Now I have electric wires around my coops and pens. Once a predator gets zapped it will respect the hot wires and so will your dog and cat. I have accidentally touched my wires and it hurts, but this is the idea I want whatever touches the wires to hurt to get the message that whatever is on the other side of the hot wires isn't worth getting zapped for. Good luck with your birds and have fun...
If it happens just after dawn, maybe you should wait another hour before letting them out.
We usually do, we’ve been more vigilant about it since it nabbed the last hen. I love my girls and it makes me terribly sad that they were preyed on. I got some good insight from others about electric poultry netting, so I think we’re just going to have to expand the coop run and keep them in all the time
:welcome :frow The fox will keep coming back because it has killed. You will continue to loose birds as long as you free range. Lessons learned the hard way. Now I have electric wires around my coops and pens. Once a predator gets zapped it will respect the hot wires and so will your dog and cat. I have accidentally touched my wires and it hurts, but this is the idea I want whatever touches the wires to hurt to get the message that whatever is on the other side of the hot wires isn't worth getting zapped for. Good luck with your birds and have fun...
I’m definitely reconsidering my former hesitation. We’ll have to expand the pen though before we transition out of free range. The coop and pen we have now is adequate for our very small flock, but now I’ll feel bad for them because they’ve been enjoying free ranging for so long. They’ve been getting all the yummy bugs and treats wherever they please so I wonder if they’ll be unhappy when they’re in the pen long term. Although, it’s a worthwhile trade if it keeps them safe!
totally agree with cmom. If, you want to be certain of a better zap from electrified fencing

turn off power then add beef, or tuna, etc- attached to fencing with aluminum foil. Turn fencing back on . It should take just one good jolt to keep predator away. Good luck.
Great idea! I love all animals, but I’d get a good giggle out of seeing that dang fox get zapped like it deserves! I’ll just have to remember to keep the cat and dog inside lol!

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