HEY hey! New adopted mom to 8 hens in GA

Thank you! We are honored : Okay fine maybe hubby isn’t so much there yet but I DEF AM 😂
He'll come around. Mine was just happy to have eggs, then one day he was out in the run for a while. He was just sitting in there with them, hanging out like he was a chicken, too 😅. I was like "I told you so! They are like tiny therapists."
I too am a new chickie mommy and live in Georgia as well! I have ten 15 week old Rhode Island Reds, and my family tells me that I am obsessed. Personally, I feel it is normal to have a gazillion photos of chickens on my phone and a web cam on them so that I can watch them any time of day from anywhere. They are very entertaining and I'm looking forward to gathering some eggs in a few weeks! So, congratulations on the new additions to your 'family!'
Shout out from ATL! Welcome to BYC 🐥
Why did no one tell me I would spend HOURS outside literally losing track of time just watching my girls explore the yard or checking out a new enrichment toy I bought 😆

I’m so much more obsessed over these chickens than I ever thought would be possible! We unexpectedly adopted 8 hens couple weeks ago from a former client of mine - I’m a pet-sitter & their original owner of 5 years had to relocate to Florida for work and “couldn’t take them with her”

I’ve been caring for them whenever she’d go out of town for the last couple years so I’ve grown fond of them myself and I think she knew I would take them in a heartbeat

💓 just loving my new life - it’s strenuous but so fulfilling!!!!!! Never knew I could be be this happy cleaning up chicken poo daily and occasionally trimming chicky butts 😂

Only one of our girls were ever named (roof chicky) so the day we picked them up, we had a photo shoot & it was as decided: female rappers it is ☝️
Shout out from ATL! I’m new here as well. I love the names. I have a Buff Orpington “Spice” girl. Welcome to BYC 🐥

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