Hey I'm a newbie introducing myself

Jun 9, 2022
Hey Everyone,
I'm a New addition to yur awesome group I'll follow the introduction listing directions.
I am in my second year of Chicken Life, having made it through the expected ups and downs with the first group of girls I happily got a second group of chicks peeping away in the basement. I'm not entirely new, having grown up on a sheep farm in Wisconsin, my husband and I recently bought a small cranberry farm in Massachusetts. I have 3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Isa Browns, 2 Silkies, 2 Brahmas 1 Leghorn and 3 I have no freaking idea what they are,. They free range at least 4 hours every day and 2 during the winter. Feeding Organic and fresh herbs powdered oyster shells on white corn and Romain or swuash as a daily treat
Hobbies: I'm an avid cyclist and professional Metalsmith, so I'll be brutally honest I'm much better with hammers and fire than I am with com-putrers so this is the first news group I've ever joined. I've managed to venture guadedly into the ether-webbies and BYC usually hits to top of my search so you seem like people I'd love to have as neighbors. Cheers and I'll post again soon if my sick hen doesn't improve. Many thanks on advance. Oh and if anyone has metals questions hit me up eh?

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