Hey! I'm (sorta) new!


Sep 22, 2020
South Central Pennsylvania
Hey! As my name says, I've had chickens for four years, but I definitely don't know everything. I have 11 chickens now, but I have owned 24. I'm not sure on any of the breeds except that I have two Silver Laced Wyandottes. I think I have two Barred Rocks and at least one, maybe more, Rhode Island Red. The rest are all mysteries to me! (Any help on that would be appreciated 🙂)
I said I was sorta new because I've actually been haunting this site as a guest since before I ever got chickens.😆 I've been a member for a few weeks now but I never got around to introducing myself. ☺️
I love this community and can't wait to expand my knowledge!

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