Hey ya'll I'm back!

in my family everyone of my father's 13 siblings had an aortic aneurism. All of them 'burst' in their fifties (my dad used to joke that was when the warranty ended. I did not think that was funny and would burst into tears when he would make it, so he stopped)

only one child (a girl) didn't die at 50 from it because she got surgery, she lived to be just 2 months shy of 93 and she kept her head, her wry sense of humour and lived in her own house until the very end.

it is a terrible thing to have, but if they can operate it while it is manageable, you are blessed with a really great outcome.

Let go of the fear, and welcome the love. 💞
i have another aneurism.

on the 29th. I'm so scared.
@webbysmeme My goodness young lady, you sure have been on a roller coaster!
I‘m going to keep you lifted in prayer as you go thru pre-op and then surgery on the 29th.
We all are concerned about your health. You are a very strong lady and your doctors must be a great team to find this aneurism and move quickly to take care of it.
Any surgery is a risk, but you will beat this one the same as the last.
:hugs ❤️:hugs❤️:hugs
@webbysmeme My goodness young lady, you sure have been on a roller coaster!
I‘m going to keep you lifted in prayer as you go thru pre-op and then surgery on the 29th.
We all are concerned about your health. You are a very strong lady and your doctors must be a great team to find this aneurism and move quickly to take care of it.
Any surgery is a risk, but you will beat this one the same as the last.
:hugs ❤️:hugs❤️:hugs
oh, thank you. I have people all over the world praying for me. my son and my neice are online all the time. they have prayer worriors! I need all I can get.
:celebrate @webbysmeme :frow I am so glad you are back. You can't imagine how many of us were worried about you!
Having been an RN in some of those surgeries, I have no doubt you are doing the right thing by having the surgery and will do fine in the end.
Still you will remain in my thoughts and prayers, especially on the 29th. :hugs
It is so good to have you back, welcome home, my dear. :wee

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