Hi all I'm new and in need of help.

Elevate only the sleeping quarters and nesting boxes. Don' t elevate their total roaming area. As for wire under the perch, in my opinion boards or plywood with a layer of straw or hay would be better, and more chicken friendly. The wire mesh can potentially catch the chicken's toes and cause injuries, as they walk over it. Chickens love to scratch continuously so providing straw and hay in their run will keep them occupied. When they get tired then they will lay down in awkward ways and sun themselves. They also like to take dust baths. Provide dry soil and sand if you can. And yes, every so often as needed you will have to do a bit of cleaning. Hope this helps your ideas of making that chicken haven.
Thank you for the info Caveman! When the rain stops in ( the Sunshine state ) I am headed to ( my first trip I'm sure ) to homedepot.

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