Hi all! New duck mum here!


Jun 25, 2022
Hi everyone!
So after using this site to gain some help for the last few weeks, I've finally found time to actually join!

Bit of background..
My school recently incubated and hatched some ducklings and in my infinite wisdom I decided I would keep a pair..... nope, I've never owned a bird before, let alone a duck!
So now I have myself a runner and a pekin and I'm totally in love 🥰 😍
They both hatched on April 27th and moved in with me a week later - what an interesting 8 weeks we've had!

I've built them an outdoor house (so I've also learnt how to use power tools these past few weeks!) and got them a kiddie pool, a huge bowl for water and a run to keep them safe while I'm not home. They haven't stayed out all night yet but that's because I'm too soft to bite the bullet and leave them out 🙈 so they're still coming indoors at night and sleeping in a large dog crate.
They're on grower pellets now (twice a day) and love treats such as tomato, blueberries, watermelon, peas and corn.
I had hoped they would be cuddly and fall asleep on my lap, but the best I can get is on the floor next to me 😔 but hey, they don't run away from me, so that's good!

I'm going to try and attach some pictures of my ladies and their outdoor house.

I would love it if other duck parents read this and gave some feedback/shared advice you think I need to know - I love them so much and just want to get it right for them! I google everything and I've watched countess YouTube video's, but it would be great to have contact with others.
Tia to anyone who replies! Xx


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I don't own ducks but lots of folks here do. Have you visited our Ducks forum?
Hi! I didn't realise there was a duck forum, sorry to sound stoopid but any chance you could point me in the right direction?! Never used a forum before so I could probably be described as newer than new 🙈😂

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