Hi all

Aug 6, 2019
Introducing myself, as I'm new to this online community. I work at an elementary school that has been raising chicks and keeping chickens for a few years now, and my son finally convinced me to bring 4 chicks home this spring. They are about 15 weeks old now, I love their different personalities, and I will be posting some pics in one of the other threads to get some feedback on what breeds they might be. And just a couple of weeks ago, we began to suspect that one of our shes is actually a he, so we are working on finding a new home for him as no roosters allowed in our town :(
Introducing myself, as I'm new to this online community. I work at an elementary school that has been raising chicks and keeping chickens for a few years now, and my son finally convinced me to bring 4 chicks home this spring. They are about 15 weeks old now, I love their different personalities, and I will be posting some pics in one of the other threads to get some feedback on what breeds they might be. And just a couple of weeks ago, we began to suspect that one of our shes is actually a he, so we are working on finding a new home for him as no roosters allowed in our town :(

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