Hi byc


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2016
Hi all. Just joined today. Am novice. Have raised 5 chicks all now around 6 mths old. Sold to me as females. 2 started crowing so about to rehome them. Now wondering sexes of other 3 so will be looking for help on forums!!! Haha.
just answered your other post - the folks at "what breed or gender," will be happy to help you out, if you post current photos.
Thanks. Really enjoying the BYC site! Nice to see people connecting all around the world. ;)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! I see you have posted in the what breed gender section, fingers crossed you don't have any more boys :fl

Good luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi and welcome to BYC! Thanks for joining us!
Hi all. Looks like I ended up with 2 roos and 3 pullets. Rehoused roos to nearby farm today where they can make new home and have lots of babies.
Keeping barnvelder, leghorn and barred rock. Neighbours will be happy to lose crowing boys :) Winter still cold here but hopefully girls will start laying sometime soon.

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