Hi Chicken lover newbie here!

Hi - I'm new here to. People are great and you can find just about everything you need to know about chicks on here. If not ask and someone will do their best to help ya!!!
Hey! Thanks so much for your help definitely will be asking around if I need help with my cute babies!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I've just read your other thread and see you have got new chicks and one is shaking their head. There could be several things causing this to happen. When you say shaking could you describe it a little more? When it's shaking is it doing this while its scratching its head? Have checked there is nothing stuck in the head anywhere that could be annoying it? Also at a week old they should be starting to feather out and the feathers coming through can be annoying for them I have found.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your chicks, enjoy BYC :frow
Hi thank you for replying to my thread, the chick would sit there shaking it head as if it was twitching or nervous maybe? I'm not really sure as I am very new to this chicken raising thing. Could it be the noise of the tv? It's eating and drinking fine but shakes its head. It's one of the smallest out of them. Kind regards Newbie00,
No the chicks seems fine with the body posture but it does flick it head quickly left to right. I will definitely take it to a vet if it is serious. But thank you so much for the advice!! I really appreciate it :)

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