Hi Everybody!


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2016
Hi everyone. I'm new on BYC as of today, and look forward to getting started! Like all of you, my family and I are very indulged chicken enthusiasts, and recently we ordered some new randomized chicks. These chicks came about when we realized that our older chickens were starting to die off, and weren't laying very well anymore. I've had chickens all my life, in fact I'm only twelve. I'm definitely a chicken whisperer, and have been working on figuring out what some of these chicks are. Some of them I know from research, others were quite obvious, but most of them are mystery breeds. I hope you can help me with my chickens, and that I can help you with yours.
Hi! My older chickens are around 7 years old, and my reasoning to why they are starting to die off is because of old age.
Hi! My other birds were around 7 years old, and my reasoning for why they're starting to die off is because they are just very old.
Hello and
! Glad you joined the flock!

Yes, your birds are probably dying off because of old age :( It's sad, but it happens.
Hope you have fun figuring out what breeds you have!!
Hello there!
It's so nice to have you with us! This is a great community with very nice and helpful people, offering informative advice for all kinds of stuff. Enjoy and have much success!!

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