Hi everyone! I am brand new...

Debbie Lynn

Dec 31, 2015
Somerset, Ky
I have always wanted chickens. I just moved into a house that has a coop that needs fixed up in the spring. Someone just gave me a rooster and a hen and I need to learn very quickly how to take care of them. My husband patched the coop for now. Looking forward to my new adventure!
It is getting cold here now and the coop has a lot of cracks. Should I line the walls with something to keep out the cold air? We have a heat lamp that we turn on at night.
Hi and welcome to byc. Coops need ventilation but not draughts, so yes, I'd suggest you do a bit more patching. 1 roo and only 1 hen is not best ratio. Around 8-10 hens per roo is recommended to prevent the hen being over-mated and harmed.

Good luck

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If you haven't done so already, check out the Learning Center, it has great articles that will answer a lot of questions for you:

x2 on CTKen's recommendation to patch up the draughts.

Thanks for joining us!
Welcome to BYC. Your hen would do a lot better with another hen for company. instead of the rooster that will be overbreeding her .

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