Hi fellow duck lovers!


Jun 25, 2022
Hi everyone!
So after using this site to gain some help for the last few weeks, I've finally found time to actually join! I've posted in the introduction page and some chicken parents kindly directed me over this way.

Bit of background..
My school recently incubated and hatched some ducklings and in my infinite wisdom I decided I would keep a pair..... nope, I've never owned a bird before, let alone a duck!
So now I have myself a runner and a pekin and I'm totally in love with both of these ladies 🥰 😍
They both hatched on April 27th and moved in with me a week later - what an interesting 9 weeks we've had!

I've built them an outdoor house (so I've also learnt how to use power tools these past few weeks!) and got them a kiddie pool, a huge bowl for drinking water and a run to keep them safe while I'm not home. They haven't stayed out all night yet but that's because I'm too soft to bite the bullet and leave them out 🙈 so they're still coming indoors at night and sleeping in a large dog crate.
They're on grower pellets now (twice a day) and love treats such as tomato, blueberries, watermelon, peas and corn.
I had hoped they would be cuddly and fall asleep on my lap, but the best I can get is on the floor next to me 😔 but hey, they don't run away from me, so that's good!

I would love it if other duck parents read this and gave some feedback/shared advice you think I need to know - I love them so much and just want to get it right for them! I google everything and I've watched countess YouTube video's, but it would be great to have contact with other duck folk.
How often do you feed yours?
How often do you give treats?
Does their house look ok? (not sure you can appreciate the size on the photo)
Do you leave water and food overnight?

Also, how do I actually put them outside at night for the first time, and stop their quacking breaking my heart!! I've tried to do it tonight and ended up bringing them back in the house because I felt bad, so they're currently sat with me 🤣
I'm in the UK btw!


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Adorable ducks.

So on feeding you have Pekin, so I recommend feeding 2 or 3 times a day. They often have a bad habit of overeating. Mine no longer over eats as much, so I free feed now.

I don't provide food or water at night. I know some people do, but too much of mess. I only do that if I have sick duck, but then they are seperated out.

The duck house size looks good for two ducks. The one thing I can't see on it is ventilation. They need a lot of ventilation to keep everything dry to prevent mold and frostbite. It is usually recommended to have at least 1sq ft of ventilation per 10sq ft or 1 sq ft per bird. More is definitely better.

As for putting them out, mine have only quacked for less than a minute and then quiet down. Treats in their coop to munch on while you leave will certainly distract them. Once they get use to it, they will likely not want to come back in.
Adorable ducks.

So on feeding you have Pekin, so I recommend feeding 2 or 3 times a day. They often have a bad habit of overeating. Mine no longer over eats as much, so I free feed now.

I don't provide food or water at night. I know some people do, but too much of mess. I only do that if I have sick duck, but then they are seperated out.

The duck house size looks good for two ducks. The one thing I can't see on it is ventilation. They need a lot of ventilation to keep everything dry to prevent mold and frostbite. It is usually recommended to have at least 1sq ft of ventilation per 10sq ft or 1 sq ft per bird. More is definitely better.

As for putting them out, mine have only quacked for less than a minute and then quiet down. Treats in their coop to munch on while you leave will certainly distract them. Once they get use to it, they will likely not want to come back in.
Quatie thank you so much for that info!
I'll try and brave putting them out tomorrow night, I have to do it, they can't live in my house forever!
There is ventilation in their house but not enough going off your advice, so I will see to that. Its built out of scrap pallets, so all the pieces don't fit perfectly together and air can get through - Iinitially thought this would've been enough. There is also an opening behind the heart and same on the back, mainly because I had no clue how to build a house and made it up as I went along 🤣
Quatie thank you so much for that info!
I'll try and brave putting them out tomorrow night, I have to do it, they can't live in my house forever!
There is ventilation in their house but not enough going off your advice, so I will see to that. Its built out of scrap pallets, so all the pieces don't fit perfectly together and air can get through - Iinitially thought this would've been enough. There is also an opening behind the heart and same on the back, mainly because I had no clue how to build a house and made it up as I went along 🤣
My first ducks were 6 Pekin and a Saxony. With that many ducks it was :sick and the cuties needed to go out 😆. So it was an easier push for me and all the others were happy to be out.

They definitely like drafty buildings 😁

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