Hi! From a new member in Venice!


6 Years
Sep 19, 2013
Hi everyone. I am about to start raising "backyard" chickens and am really excited to become a new member of this site. I will gladly accept any advice you are willing to share with me. I plan to keep about 6 chickens and am wondering if there are certain egg laying chickens that are better than others? Thank you all in advance for any help you are willing to share with me.
Welcome to BYC
Have a look at the Learning Center. There is a lot of good need-to-know stuff there. Breeds for eggs? The first breeds that pops up in my mind is Leghorns. Those things are egg vending machines! They can be skittish and flighty, though of the 5 I had (1 white, 2 brown, 2 silver) only one (white) was skittish. The other 4 were total sweeties. But have a look through the Breeds section as well. There are plenty good laying breeds to choose from and you may find something else that you'll like more. Enjoy the site!
Hi everyone. I am about to start raising "backyard" chickens and am really excited to become a new member of this site. I will gladly accept any advice you are willing to share with me. I plan to keep about 6 chickens and am wondering if there are certain egg laying chickens that are better than others? Thank you all in advance for any help you are willing to share with me.

Glad you joined us! BYC is a great place to get information on every aspect of chicken raising.

In answer to your question, there are chickens that are better at egg laying. Some good egg laying breeds include Leghorns, Red or Black Sex-links, Hamburgs, Sussex, Wyandottes, Australorps, Easter Eggers/Ameraucanas, and Rhode Island Reds. More dual-purpose breeds (good for meat and eggs) include the Orpington, Delaware, New Hampshire Red,, and Faverolles. Ornamental breeds that aren't as good for egg production, but will add variety to your flock, are Polish, any bantam breed (they may lay well but their eggs are small), Sultans, Brahmas, and Cochins.

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