Hi from a newbie in PA


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Muncy Valley, PA
Hi everyone! I am a 60 year old from northeast PA. My husband and I live on 11 acres out in the country and have recently gotten a whole coop full of chickens. Last year, I had two very close calls with my health and spent all year sitting in a chair waiting to "get better". I am finally on the road to recovery, and needed something to help me get back into life. At one time years ago, I raised chickens and sold eggs, and had over 300 free ranging chickens, so it was a "no brainer" to turn my interest in that direction again. We started out with my husband building a coop. You have to understand, he is a contractor by trade and does not know the meaning of "build me a small chicken coop for a few hens". Sooo I now have the Taj Mahal of all chicken coops and of course, had to fill it. We started out buying 18 2 week olds, 6 EE, 6 BO, and 6 SLW. Then we added 8 four week old guineas, 4 pearl and 4 lavender. They are all still thriving and growing like little weeds. Last week, we had the opportunity to acquire a mixed flock of birds that includes 4 silkies,(roo and 3 hens), 3 cochins (roo and 2 hens) a mixed flock of reds with one roo, and 4 birds that I am still unsure of. These birds all seem to be of an age, 15 to 20 weeks, not quite laying yet but indications are that it could be any day now. The birds I am not sure of are small, bantam birds (about the size of a dove), silver laced roo and 3 gold lace hens. The roo has a bright red comb and blue legs, the hens have no combs, blue legs, and are absolutely gorgeous. All are smooth feathered with black as their base color. Any ideas on what they might be would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to reading more of what you all have to say, I have already learned a lot.

Glad to be here.
I see that you have already fallen victim to chicken math-- if 10 are good, 20 are better.
Glad you are feeling better, and I agree having a project/reason to get out of bed in the morning makes life better. Best wishes for continued improvement with your health.

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