Hi from Baton Rouge, LA


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 7, 2010
Hi to all in BYC land! My name is Angela and I'm a new mamma to 5 beautiful 4 1/2 week old chicks...all hens, I hope:) I have been chicken crazy for as long as I can remember. This past fall I decided that I couldn't wait any longer and ordered 5 from My Pet Chicken. An Australorp, Blackie: a Barred Plymouth Rock, Dot; a Silver laced Wyandotte, Rockie; an Easter Egger, Easter; and a Light Brahma, Puff Ball. They arrived alive and well and are doing great. My husband and I finally finished the chicken coop this past weekend and the girls love it. I have two beautiful daughters ages 9, about to be 10, and 4. They are beside themselves with excitement about our new editions to our family. The cat, not so much, she rather eat them.
Yesterday evening I went out to check on the girls before it got dark and I pick up one of them and the rest started crying to be picked up too. So sweet! They were trying to get under my hair and did not want to be put down. I loved it, made me one happy chicken lady.
Hopefully soon I can post pics of my new girls and their new home. I love BYC and all that I've been learning.
from Indiana! and

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