Hi, from Malaga, Spain


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 22, 2011
Hi friends.
I´m an architect on the verge of retirement (escuse my bad english, but it is hard for spanish)
My passion is the nature world, plants and animals and I hope to change house in the country, not too far from town thougt.
When I child remember the chikens runing about the yard of my granmother and it´s a happyness picture, like the heaven gate opening.
I would like to design a good and simply coop, and it will be my begenig among you.
I have had cats but never chikens thearfore I now almost nothing about.
Well, my first doubt is about chikens and cats close betwen. you now...
My best regards.
Welcome to byc. Whatever your questions are, i'm sure you can find the answers here.
My 2 cats are more scared of the chickens than the chickens are scared of the cats, due to a mean rooster.
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Hi Quijote

Welcome to the BYC forum. We will look forward to hearing how your retirement plans and the chicken keeping will unfold.

We have a very old cat, who is very good at killing mice and gophers. She sits and watches the chickens, but never ever threatens them. I think she likes to watch them as much as we do.
Hello and welcome to BYC from Ohio in the United States!

So glad you've joined and I think it's really nice when the different cultures can come together on a website and share common interests!

Good luck with your retirement and I hope you find a really nice little place in the country to raise your future chickens. I would say, watch out for the cats when your chickens are just little babies, but usually, once they grow up, if they are a large fowl size, you don't have to worry about the cats. If you pick a small sized (bantam) breed, then you still have to watch out for the cats.

I would just be careful to build a nice safe (cat proof) coop and chicken run, and you will be in good shape!

Take care,

Hello there, welcoming you from Virginia. I have 3 cats, 2 dogs, and many chickens. I do have to watch the cats with the baby chickens (one cat in particular, pictured below) but once the chicks have grown, the cats keep their distance for fear of being pecked! All the animals seem to tolerate one another fairly well. My dogs seem to really like the chickens. The little black dog even sleeps with the chickens on occasion and was very concerned when the rooster was being a little pushy with a little leghorn. Anyway, so glad you joined.



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