Hi from Queensland, Australia


7 Years
Aug 17, 2012
Hello Everyone,

Although I have kept chickens for some time, there is always something more I would like to know. We currently have a rooster and 13 layers, but have just hatched a chick in an incubator (actually, 2 - but the first one out died). We usually just leave it all to our broody hens, so not much to do really. We have also, on occasions, bought day-old chicks. I guess I am just feeling a bit nervous about this little one, having lost the first one. It's been out now for about 6 or 7 hours and is not yet standing. Is this normal? How soon can I handle it?

Now that I've found this site, I know I will spend many hours gathering new information.

Hello and welcome to BYC. I am sorry to hear you have lost a chick and i would be the same worrying about the other one. I have never incubated eggs myself so unfortunately i can't help you but you have certainly come to the right place and i am sure someone with more experience will help soon. Good luck with everything.
dawg53 is right! You might want to try using a eyedropper with some sugar water. Adding some Save A Chick might help to. It comes in small packages of three. One package is used per one gallon of water.

Greetings from Kentucky! So glad you joined us.

Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan
Hello and welcome to BYC
Sorry to hear about your chick, hope the remaining one's o.k. A little sugar water should help.
Hi everyone and thank you for your replies. You will all be happy to know the little chick (a black one) is doing well so far. I picked it up this morning for a bit of a cuddle. Seems to be eating and drinking well.

This incubation was a bit of an experiment by my husband. He also has some muscovy duck eggs in there, but, of course they take much longer. I still prefer to do the natural way. There is nothing more calming and safisfying than watching a mother hen teaching her little ones to scratch and roost, etc. and listen to her "talking" to them. I just love it. If you've never experienced that, you don't know what you're missing.

Cheers everyone.

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