Hi from Southeast Georgia!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Jesup, GA
Okay. I have been hanging around the site for a little over a week and I am totally addicted! I am the new owner of a 5-acre mini farm and was recently given two Polish hens and a beautiful "tractor" coop by a family that was moving to Colorado. I love them already and they have such personalities. My teenagers think I'm nuts! I also just received 3 chicks, of whose heritage and sex I do not know. Hopefully by hanging out here with ya'll, I'll figure that out.

I also have 5 ducks that I have raised since they were about two weeks old. I absolutely LOVE my ducks. They follow me everywhere I go and they even love to cuddle. What more could you ask for? I think they are Runners from the pictures on the website. Can't wait till they begin laying.

Guess that's about all for now. This is a great site, and I am already learning so much from all of you. And the ramblings are too funny! Please keep up the great work!
Glad to have ya! Take your shoes off and set a spell

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