Hi from WA


In the Brooder
May 20, 2020
Greater Seattle Area, WA
Hello! I'm a newbie chicken owner living in an urban area. Always wanted chickens, and this spring was the right time to go for it. In early April we got 4 baby chicks and off we went! Having chickens is more fun than I expected, and we've already learned quite a lot - there are some things I would do differently next time!

Sadly, this week we lost one of our chickens (now 10 weeks old) to two raccoons at dusk, and that experience has turned us off having a "free range" enclosure that isn't entirely fenced in top to bottom. Everyone we know in our city who has chickens lets them "free-range" in their yard for years without having any losses, but we clearly weren't so lucky. So we've ordered a 10x13 enclosed run, and are getting two 6-week old chickens this week to flesh out our flock.

I've been lurking here for a while and figured it was time to say hi. So glad this community exists, it's been really helpful already. Nice to meet you all!
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