
In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2023
Sanford, NC
Hi there! Since I'm new, of course I'm happy to introduce myself. My name is Ryan, I'm in my early 20s, and I've been raising chickens since I was around 10-ish? I forget exactly how small I was, but I'm definitely not new to chicken keeping. It's become an integral part of my life :)
I currently have 12 chickens, plus 10 new babies that a couple of my hens have hatched themselves. I also have one lavender guinea fowl, although I did have four others. They had a hard time keeping up it seems. Hoping to hatch some more though next year! I have mostly buff orpingtons, but I also have a polish crested, three australorps, a golden cuckoo maran, a lavender maran, a couple of easter eggers, and a variety of easter/olive egger + australorp hybrids.
I really love pretty much everything about raising them, such as getting to know each of their individual personalities and quirks, collecting varieties of breeds, as well as having a variety in egg colors! There's nothing more satisfying than having a full rainbow in a carton. They're also absolutely hilarious and fun to feed, especially when my mom and I give them leftover fruits and veggies, spaghetti, ramen, and the occasional times when I can go out and get them bags of insects as a treat... It's all so fun.
I have hopes of starting a working farm on the property my mom and I live on, and I'm also very much into animal rescue as well, and would like to create a bird rescue on the property. One that includes exotic pet birds such as parrots, peafowl, etc., along with pigeons, chickens, ducks, and other farm birds. It's been a dream of mine to get into wildlife rehabilitation, and I think this would be a decent compromise until I can get licensed.
Hobby-wise, I love to draw, paint, and do all sorts of artistic work. I'm an artist and I primarily do digital art and make cartoons and comics of original characters of my own. I'm also dabbling in taxidermy, and would like to turn this hobby into a side job by doing fantasy taxidermy (In my case, I mean turning regular animals into fantasy creatures. Unicorns, jackalopes, kirins, chimeras, etc.) I'm very big into all things fiction and fantasy, so I've always incorporated my fantastical ideas with reality in some way or another.
Where I live, I live very close to much of my maternal family's side, although I used to live a few states away. My mom and I moved out here to the rural area we're in now since the property has been pretty much passed down to her. It's been hard adjusting and meeting new people all over again, but it's been nice to rebuild my flock, as well as seeing my other pets thriving here in the woods.
We have three dogs, three cats, a guinea pig, and a cockatiel. Everyone that can go outside seems to do alright around the chickens, except one of the dogs, who is a german shepherd mix. She is an absolute sweetheart, but unfortunately her prey drive is simply too high for her to be a livestock guard. So we're currently having a large run built just for the dogs so they can still have their exercise without bothering the birds. The shep is mine, as well as the cockatiel and the chickens, so once I am able to afford it, I am going to eventually have my own house built on the property, just further up the driveway. I'm currently looking for a steady job, though I have been doing odd jobs here and there for people, which has kept me busy and able to feed my pets by myself. But I have hopes of getting to work at a small zoo/wildlife rescue not too far from where I live. My life is never dull though, and I imagine that I'll make things work wherever I go!

I found this site through Google while looking for information on ruptured air sacs. I currently am trying to figure out what's going on with one of my newest chicks because its crop looks odd, and I do have a separate thread started with a picture included. So if anyone finds that and could possibly lend a hand, definitely don't hesitate to reach out! I appreciate any and all help and feedback and I look forward to hearing from all of my fellow chicken lovers :)
Below are some pet pics, as well as some examples of my art!Although these aren't all my best works, just my most recent. Still I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for reading 🖤


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