Hi I am new, from middle TN


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Coopertown, TN
My name is Natalie and I've been bitten by the chicken bug! My very first chickens arrived on Friday from Ideal Poultry: 5 sr Speckled Sussex, 5 sr Buff Orpingtons, and 5 male White Plymouth Rocks. They are all healthy and happy so far and I am loving this adventure, although there is so much to learn and I know so little. I'm glad there is a place like this to help us newbies out!
nice variety of birds. we have had good luck with ideal. this is a great site to learn whatever it is you need to be a good parent to your new chicks.
Thanks for the welcome!

I am having fun with the chicks' personalities and quirks... they are great to watch. I do like the variety I picked so far, they are pretty friendly and already have mostly stopped running away when the kids and I pet them (and they are only just a week old!). We do plan on eating most of them and only keeping whatever hens we get for pets/layers, I am guessing that out of 10 SR chicks that could mean anything from 1 to 5, tops. Which just mean room to expand

The only thing that has me a little... surprised... is how MUCH they POOP!!!! WOW!!!! I started out with a thick piece of cardboard, over which I put newspaper (rough - they didn't slip on it) or paper towels. I changed the paper layer daily. Then I put down a second layer of cardboard yesterday in the late afternoon, and it's already carpeted with chickie poops. HOW do you guys keep your brooder floors CLEAN???? Or at least, cleaner? My chickies have tiny bits of it on their underside of their toes, not much at all but it still worries me when I see them stepping on poop or pecking at it accidentally. Is there some secret to a clean brooder floor that only the initiated know

I am glad to meet you! I guess I'll soon be moving over the Chick Care forum, but until then thank you again for the welcome!


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