Hi ! I currently have 56 chickens! 11 different breeds I love them all.


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2022
Hi ! I currently have 56 chickens! 11 different breeds I love them all. I am A new member.My friend recommended this forum when I thought one of my Light Brahma Hens was egg bound. I have been selling eggs and laying hens for almost five years.We had chickens and ducks and geese and a couple cows when I was young.I just didn't know how to take care of them,because the boys and my dad always took care of the outside chores and us girls were in charge of household chores.I did have pet rabbitts and pet rats ,mice and cats and dogs.I am an animal freak I hatched a rooster in science class when I was 11 years old . I raised it in the city in our basement. My dad was a police officer and that rooster would start crowing when he came home at four in the morning . My dad would wake me up and I would go in the basement and hold him in my lap so we both would sleep on the basement stairs..Thats when I really fell in love with my first chicken. I'm always open to learning more and more and that is why I'm here.

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