I've always wanted to raise chickens. Well, on February 3rd one of the Adirondacks worst snow storms of the season, my brother-in-law, who lives in Florida, decided to surprise me with 16 Buff Orpington baby chicks . I received a phone call from the post office, "you have a package here with baby chicks, we need you to come pick them up"! I replied, "I did not order baby chicks". They replied, "Well, we need to come get them!!! There is an 800 number you can call, but you need to come pick them up"!!! Out into the snow storm I rounded up an infrared heat lamp, pine shavings, medicated feed, feeders and set up their first little coop in a Rubbermaid tub. Now about 12 weeks later I have 11 wonder Buffs:cd, 4 Roosters (to be) and 7 hens. It is my understanding I can only have I rooster. At present I built a 4x8 coop in the basement. They have two roosts and sand bath along with plastic cat toys with bells (they love to play with those). I try to spend about an hour a day in the coop with them and they seem to love me!!!! Buttercup loves to sit on my shoulder. Moving forward I have put an order in for some awesome coop and run plans where my chicks will be safe, secure and have room to roam.
WOW, I am sure long winded!!! LOL :cd :yiipchick
WOW, I am sure long winded!!! LOL :cd :yiipchick