Hi I'm a newbie here from Utah


7 Years
Jun 13, 2012
Lehi Utah
My name is Christi and I am new to raising chickens, my parents find it hillarious since the first time my dad brought home a cute little fuzzy yellow chick I ran screaming from the room.
My first memory is being chased and having my ankles pecked by a mean rooster then having to gather eggs with my brother from these annoying noisy stinky white birds!

Needless to say my 6 girls have changed my views on chickens. Goldielocks is my sweetheart she is a Buff Orpington born April 30. Sheila, my black Australorp is a scrappy little thing who can hold her own, also born on the 30th of April. Red Riding Hood is the oldest born March 26th, she is a Rhode Island Red and the leader. Her second in command is Rocky a Barred Rock born April 30th. Lady Hawk is my Ameraucana born on April 26th. She is not as friendly but I hope with continued gentle persuasion she will decide I'm okay. I had an Ancuna named Annabelle who passed one evening. Hay-Lee joined us 2 weeks later than the others and was born May 7th she is a Gold Sex link. The first 3 days were hard on me as the "pecking" order was established but they all get along currently.

My family also includes my husband, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 rabbits and a turtle, 9 grown children and 2 grandchildren.

I have found a ton of valuable information on this site and am pretty sure without is my girls would not have made it through these last few days of triple digit weather. They definately enjoy a much better diet than the chickens we had as kids (who only got store bought grains) and the interaction with them is wonderful for me. I no longer suffer from empty nest syndrome!

Well that's it for now, Think I will start blogging my chicken journey, got tons of photos, so if you want to now more about the crazy chicken lady in Utah look for us there.

Thanks for your help and advice

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