Hi I'm Lin had chickens most of my life

Welcome to BYC, Lin! Great to have you here!
Hi ty love being here. Chicken peeps are good people and I really like being around you all. I used to have a lot of birds was sad to have to sell them all when hubby got sick. But, now that I am retired and can care for them myself I will be able to get some of my favs back. Nothing better than sitting on the porch watching them run around the yard. They can be so funny sometimes.
Well for one. I am not an Idiot, for two I don't and have not set up an account every week. I understand the rule was just making a comment on how I thought it was odd. I did not say it was not a good rule. I am a good person who loves chickens and not looking to hurt anyone or anything. I have already struck up conversations with several peeps now and having a good time for the most part. Being almost 60 and a farm girl I have advise to offer and a shoulder to cry on when someone losses one of their fluffy butts. Sorry I offended you I did not mean to.
Whoa, whoa--you completely mistook my meaning! I was just explaining why, not criticising or accusing! There are jerks in this world who would do what I mentioned! I never said you were one of them--if I thought you were, I never would have told you about the rule!
Silly me, I re-read it and thought their you go jumping across a pond to big for you and falling in. No worries.
Yeah, sorry--I re-read it and I can see how you came to the conclusion you did. I have a rather... unfortunately sarcastic/ironic turn of phrase and my mother always told me it was going to get me into trouble one of these days...
Yeah, sorry--I re-read it and I can see how you came to the conclusion you did. I have a rather... unfortunately sarcastic/ironic turn of phrase and my mother always told me it was going to get me into trouble one of these days...
LOL my mom and hubby said that about me too. We are going to get along really good I can tell
G’Day from down under Lin :frow Welcome!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

Including your general location on your profile will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

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