Hi I'm new to the group and new to raising chicken..I bought my first 6 chicks about 5 months ago


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2016
Out of the six chicks we got two didn't make it and the other 4 are pullets. About a month ago we got a rooster. We let them all roam free on the property . they all seem to be doing pretty good.. I have one white silkie. Two brown hens and one big black one thats feathers look green when she's in the sun. We grown to love them all and just keep them as family pets..2 days ago one of the brown one layed her first egg which was very exciting but she hasn't layed anymore since.. Does anyone know what breeds the brown ones and black one might be. Like I say I don't know much about them just trying to learn as I go

try posting pics of the chickens.
Glad you joined us at Backyard chickens. You can post photos at "what breed or gender is this.," so the folks there, can sort them out for you.

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