hi im very new to this all, i need help!

Well, they are pretty big with the shell, so I don't think chicks would be able to swallow it. I just kept mine on a steady sand mixed with their chick feed for the first 3 weeks, then gave them some broccoli to play with.

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Jersey, what should l be feeding my 5 week old chicks then? Right now they have water and crumbles. Do they need grit? Would broccoli distract them a little and keep them busy?? I have broccoli in the fridge, but don't want to give them that without the grit if they need both!

. At this age they do not need Grit if they are strictly on a chick starter diet. If you start feeding treats I would advise adding Grit to help with digestion.
HI and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

To avoid unbalancing their diet during intial growth and feather production, it is best to stick with just chick starter for the first 6 weeks. Then you can start introducing some treats.

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